Library Website: Pre-LLN Module

Welcome to the Pre LLN Practice Quiz

In this practice test, you will be introduced to the types of questions you may see on the Gordon's Language, Literacy & Numeracy (LLN) test. You will take this test when you enrol in a course. The purpose of the actual LLN test is to see whether you might need some academic support during your studies. Therefore, it should be your own work.


To introduce the ideas of language, literacy and numeracy and to familiarise yourself with the type of questions on the test.

Get started:

Complete the questions below and use the arrow keys to move to the next section.

When you've finished:

This test is for practice only, you do not need to submit this test to complete the LLN. Once you've completed the practice test, refer to your communications with Admission for your actual LLN test link.

This is a practice test for students about to enrol. Once complete, refer to your communications with Admissions for your actual LLN test link.


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